The perfect clone .

Praneeth Reddy .T
4 min readFeb 9, 2021

Do you want to clone a leading E-marketplace application in 4 days? Then read below.

Yeah ! you heard that right.

I am Praneeth, an ambitious individual in the second month of learning full -stack android development at Masai School. I am here to guide you through the four days me and my team spent to clone OLX India.

So, it was time for that part of the month where we had to put forth what we had learnt into practice. The build week.

As I waited anxiously, the teams were finally announced. I was paired up with my colleagues Rahul and Dhanashree. And we were given a task to clone OlX INDIA.

This was my second build week after joining Masai and I got lucky as I was slotted together with my colleague from the first week. Rahul.

I can describe him as a very talented individual with some good logical reasoning and good knowledge of code application. And as a great friend. It was a hearty surprise to both of us to be in one team again.

And not taking anything from her, my other team mate was Dhanashree, a humble person who was very hard working. We were collectively named team Ivory.

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

First Day

On the first day we spent time gathering information and insights based upon the resources which were available. We had to develop the clone based on the topics which we were made familiar with, namely : Recycler View, Retrofit, Fragments , View Pager, Fragments , shared preferences, file storage, threads and services.

We had to make use of those along with layouts and intents, which were finished in the first module. I took charge of creating layouts while Rahul took care of the API calls and Dhanashree took responsibility of creating fragments.

By the end of the day we were bale to develop a pattern to implement the android concepts and started creating layouts . We manage to create the screen UI from login screen to the home screen.

Second Day

On the second day, our priority was to create the applications main functionality, we used API Calls to access data from the server using Retrofit and implemented it into a Recycler view

A Retrofit is generally used to call in data from the server by using API interface and network instances. It helps fetch the data with the help of the selected base URL along with its endpoint. And a Recycler view helps to store that data and display it in a scrollable fashion. The idea of the recycler view is to display all the data which is fetched in the form of similar recyclable view forms. Hence enhancing the user experience.

We ended up with something similar to this at the end of the day.

Third Day

On the third day , we focused mainly on creating and connecting most part of the apps together. We were done with most part of the layouts and were making use of Shared preferences and Intents to navigate through the app.

A shared preference is used to store data and use it wherever necessary and Intents are used to navigate data based upon necessity.

We were able to create most of the screens and finished the home page and its functionality by the third day.

Final Day

On the final day , we had to create validation and navigation points so as to make our application function properly. We had a quick meeting regarding the out look of the app and about the final edits.

I spent rest of the day from evening and above in editing and beautification of the app, where as my colleagues spent some time in applying final touches to the code.

After spending a lot of time editing and remodeling , we finally accomplished our task.

We managed to create our version of perfect clone of OLX India.

This was what we could accomplish using the concepts we had at hand , which we made use to put forth into our work as perfectly as possible.

So, if you want to learn to create your version of perfect clone app…

Join Masai School.

Here is the link for the Github repo of our project, hope you like it.

Thank you for reading. Have a great day !

